When developing a flex PCB based design, one of the most common early decisions is whether a flex circuit with stiffener(s) will meet the design requirements or if a rigid-flex construction is necessary or more effective. While there is some overlap between the two methodologies, there are significant capability, performance, and cost differences that require review to ensure a successful design.
Functionality: Flex PCB With Stiffeners
Flexible circuits manufactured with stiffeners serve the following functions in a flex PCB design:
Stiffeners do not have plated holes and have no electrical interconnect to the circuitry in the flex layers.
For flexible circuit board designs that have stiffeners on both sides, but in different areas due to component placement requirements, this will add significant complexity and cost at assembly. Stiffeners on the same side as SMT components will prevent solder past stencils from lying flat in the SMT areas and may necessitate a rigid-flex construction.
Flexible circuit board designed with stiffeners
Functionality: Rigid-Flex PCB
Rigid-flex PCBs provide the same functionality and capability of rigid PCB technology.
Rigid-flex circuit board designed without stiffeners
Cost Impact
A flexible circuit with stiffener design will, with few exceptions, be more cost effective than that of a comparable rigid-flex at the individual part level. This is due to the added materials and manufacturing process steps required by rigid-flex technology. This cost difference can range easily from 2x or greater.
This, however, does not define that a rigid-flex solution will be overall more expensive than that of a flex with stiffeners once all additional cost factors are accounted for. The added benefits of higher-level integration, reduced component requirements, improved highspeed signal performance, and reduced higher level assembly requirements can result in a rigid-flex based solution being more cost effective.
Design: Flex With Stiffeners
Stiffeners can be incorporated in flex design to meet a wide variety of requirements:
Common applications are:
Example of 3-layer flex circuit with fr4 and polyimide stiffeners both sides
Design: Rigid-Flex PCB
The primary advantage is the integration of both rigid PCB and flex technology which allows for designs that can achieve significantly tighter packaging requirements than any other solution. Also provides for higher level performance and reliability by eliminating the points of interconnect required by connectors and wiring.
Stiffeners are also commonly utilized in rigid-flex designs, in the flex areas, serving the same purposes as in flex only designs. Designs can incorporate flex sections, or tails, that terminate in ZIF contacts and, as such, require a polyimide stiffener to meet the ZIF connector specifications. Flex areas may also have components which then require FR4 stiffeners for support and reliability.
Example of a 6-layer rigid-flex PCB with 2-layer ZIF flex tail
The capabilities of flex with stiffeners and rigid-flex allow for an extremely wide variety of combinations and solutions. When combined with the overlap in capabilities, this can complicate the decision-making process early in the design. Rigid-flex designs can always meet the capabilities of flex with stiffeners though often, but not always, come with an unnecessary cost premium. Flex with stiffeners, while generally more cost effective, may incur additional costs elsewhere in the finished assembly.
Our recommendation to all our customers is to engage with our engineering at the early stages. Once we understand the design parameters, we can assist in narrowing down the options to a few configurations that merit further investigation and provide as accurate as possible preliminary costing to factor in to the decision-making process.
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