Step 7: Place Components - Now its time to move each component onto the pcb and begin the tedious work of making all those components fit together. This is WHERE you'll find that pcb design is really a jigsaw puzzle.
Step 8: Manual Route Traces - It's necessary to manually route critical traces. Clocks. Power. Sensitive analog traces. Once that's complete you can turn it over to Step 9.
Step 9: Using the Auto Router - There are a handful of rules that will need to be applied for using an autorouter, but doing so will save you hours if not days of routing traces.
Step 10: Run Design Rule Checker - Most pcb design software packages have a very good setup of design rule checkers. Its easy to violate pcb spacing rules and this will pinpoint the error saving you from having to respin the pcb.
Step 11: Output Gerber Files - Once the board is error free it's time to output the gerber files. These files are universal and are needed by the pcb fabrication houses to manufacture your printed circuit board.